Library / Rereadings

430 v. Chr. — The Plague of Athens
Thucydides’ »The Peloponnesian War« revisited
1932–70 – Elias Canetti on Crowds and Contagion
Excerpts from the Estate
1966 — »Where there is dirt, there is system«
Mary Douglas’s »Purity and Danger. An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo« revisited
1975–1978 — Leprosy, Plague, and Smallpox. Three Paradigms of Modern Governmental Techniques
Michel Foucault’s »Discipline and Punish« and the »Lectures on Governmentality« revisited
1981 — »The grounds we build upon and adapt our lives to will not be there forever«
Paul Feyerabend’s »Irrationalität oder: Wer hat Angst vorm schwarzen Mann?« revisited
1984 — »There are more of us than we thought.«
Bruno Latour’s »Pasteurization of France« revisited
2002 — »The Self-Destructive Dynamic of Immunitary Logic«
Roberto Esposito’s »Immunitas: The Protection and Negation of Life« revisited
2004 — »Why this passion to lose our sense of proportion so quickly?«
Philipp Sarasin’s »Fremdkörper/Infektionen: Anthrax als Medienvirus« revisited
2016 – »Each time a story helps me remember what I thought I knew, a muscle critical for caring about flourishing gets some aerobic exercise.«
Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulucene revisited, part I
2016 – »Sympoiesis is a simple word; it means ›making-with‹. Nothing makes itself; nothing is really autopoietic or self-organizing.«
Donna Haraway’s Staying with the Trouble. Making Kin in the Chthulucene revisited, part II
2017 — Santé publique and Critique
Didier Fassin’s »The Endurance of Critique« revisited